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Shortness of Breath and Cough

Shortness of Breath and Cough

Cough and Difficulty Breathing  |   Causes  |  When to see doctor  |  Self Management  |  Dry cough   |  Productive Cough (with Phlegm)   |  Exercises to ease cough and breathlessness  |  Helpful Tips

Coughing is common when something irritates your throat or a piece of food goes into the wrong pipe. But there may be shortness of Breath and cough. Dry cough or cough with phlegm (sticky mucus) accompanied with breathlessness may indicate something more serious. It indicates that there is a problem with your lungs or airways. Shortness of breath and cough may be due to an asthma attack, COPD related exacerbation, lung disease, or any other respiratory disease or viral disease that affects the lungs.

Cough and Difficulty Breathing

Shortness of breath and coughing means that your airways have constricted. Your body will produce more phlegm (sticky mucus), which causes congestion and cough. You will have difficulty breathing because it is difficult to move air in and out of your airway.

Coughing is the way your body clears your throat and airways from mucus, fluid, irritation, or germs. A dry cough, a cough that does not help to flush out any of these, is less common.

Causes of Cough and Breathing Problem

Shortness of breath and coughing may occur due to many reasons. Some of the main ones:

  • Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs – pneumonia) can cause shortness of breath and cough. This is usually caused by an infection, so you will need to take an antibiotic.
  • If you have COPD, chances are your breathlessness is a sign that the condition has suddenly worsened (COPD exacerbation).
  • Asthma – Your doctor may suggest you to use a spacer device with your asthma inhaler. It delivers relatively more medicine to your lungs and helps to remove your bad breath.
  • If you have a problem of mucus with shortness of breath, do not be careless. This lung contraction disease can be ILD (Interstitial Lung disease). In this, the lungs gradually become hollow after shrinking. This disease is considered serious because so far neither its causes have been detected nor medicine has been found effective for treatment. In the initial stage, the attempt is to bring relief to the patient by treating its symptoms.


When to see doctor for Shortness of Breath and Cough?

  • If you have a persistent dry cough, you should have it checked by a doctor.
  • Shortness of breath is normal when you have overexerted yourself. But when breathlessness occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, it is usually a warning sign of a medical condition.

Feeling shortness of breath as if you are not getting enough air can be scary. But doctors are well trained in its management. You may be given extra oxygen to breathe, if needed.

respirehab pulmonary rehab for shortness of breath


Managing your cough

Cough is the one of the most common symptoms for the newly spread viral pandemic. You may have dry cough or you may have productive phlegm.


Managing a Dry Cough

  • Stay well hydrated
  • Drinking warm water with honey will help soothe throat
  • Avoid taking large sips. Take small sips one after the other
  • When coughing, if you do not have something to drink handy; then try swallowing repeatedly. This will have the same effect as sipping water.
  • Do steam inhalation

Managing Productive Cough

You may find that you have a productive cough and mucus in your lungs after disease.

  • Stay well hydrated
  • Do steam inhalation
  • If cough is bothering you while resting, move to lying to your side. This will help drain the phlegm.

Important: Follow hand hygiene & cough etiquette. Dispose used tissue/ napkin safely, in line with WHO recommended Infection Prevention Control guidelines.


Exercises to help clear your chest

There are exercises and positions that can help you clear your chest. Your doctor or Respiratory therapist may recommend these to you. These are best done under supervision as per the specified dosage and frequency based on the severity of your symptoms.

Initially problems such as shortness of breath and mucus appear, the problem increases more as the disease progresses.

Self Management Tips for Shortness of Breath and Cough

What to do for cough and breathlessness ?

  • Avoid smoking
  • Drink more water – Stay hydrated
  • Practise breathing exercises
  • Avoid cold things in winter
  • Protect yourself from pollution and contaminated air
  • Be careful to keep your surroundings clean
  • Eat healthy diet, that is rich in antioxidants
  • Exercise caution so as to avoid lung damage


What to do if Shortness of Breath and cough do not improve?

The duration of time that it takes to recover varies from person to person. For some it will be days, others weeks or months. The more severe your symptoms, the longer it might take you to recover completely. A structured Rehabilitation programme like that of RespiRehab ensures that you recover in a safe and timely manner.

If symptoms are severe and/or persist even after 6-8 weeks, please contact your doctor for further review.

RespiRehab is a focussed Pulmonary / Respiratory Rehabilitation Programme, guided by Cardio-Respiratory physiotherapists of ReLiva, India’s largest chain of physiotherapy clinics.

  • For patients suffering from breathing issues
  • Reduce breathlessness & fatigue
  • Improve your lung function, oxygen saturation, stamina & physical strength
  • Without stepping out of your home

The programme is administered online and is personalised based on your symptoms and discomforts. You will continue to stay at home and the therapists will guide and telemonitor your progress with video calls. Contact us by tapping on the Red “Book Now” button on the top or clicking here to call us at 9920991647

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